The Public Buildings Reform Board will shortly report to the Office of Management and Budget and Congress on the disposition of millions of square feet of federally owned office space. In preparing that report, the PBRB will have had to consider several options that would dramatically affect the fate of Washington, D.C.’s downtown. Respectfully, I would like to offer an alternate approach to what I anticipate will be the board’s approach to the disposition.
Congress created the PBRB in 2016 to analyze the federal government’s civilian real estate portfolio nationwide and make recommendations for disposition of surplus federal real estate. That was before the pandemic.
Post pandemic, the office surplus has ballooned due to a significant incidence of underutilization. That, of course, will likely change with President Donald Trump’s back-to-the-office order. There will, nevertheless, still be a major surplus of space. In D.C. alone, civilian agencies of the federal government occupy…
Read the full story from the Washington Business Journal.