NEW YORK (AP) — The following is a list of initial public offerings planned for the coming week. Sources include IPO ETF manager Renaissance Capital, and SEC filings.
Week of July 22
Lineage – Novi, Mich., 47 million shares, priced at $70-$82, managed by Morgan Stanley Goldman. Proposed Nasdaq symbol LINE. Business: Leading US temperature-controlled warehouse REIT with a global presence.
Concentra – Addison, Texas, 22.5 million shares, priced at $23-$26, managed by JP Morgan Goldman. Proposed NYSE symbol CON. Business: Occupational health services provider being spun out of Select Medical.
LATAM Airlines Group – Santiago, Chile, 19 million shares, priced at $28.06, managed by Goldman Barclays. Proposed NYSE symbol LTM. Business: Largest airline group in South America.
OneStream – Birmingham, Mich., 24.5 million shares, priced at $17-$19, managed by Morgan Stanley JP Morgan. Proposed Nasdaq symbol OS. Business: Provides enterprise software for financial management and reporting.
M3-Brigade Acquisition V – New York, 25 million shares, priced at $10, managed by Cantor Fitz.. Proposed Nasdaq symbol MBAVU. Business: Blank check company led by turnaround veteran Mohsin Meghji targeting energy in North America.
DT Cloud Star Acquisition – Brooklyn, N.Y., 6 million shares, priced at $10, managed by A.G.P.. Proposed Nasdaq symbol DTSQU. Business: Blank check company led by an executive from CITIC Securities.
Actuate Therapeutics – Fort Worth, Texas, 2.8 million shares, priced at $8-$10, managed by Titan Partners Newbridge. Proposed Nasdaq symbol ACTU. Business: Phase 2 biotech developing an inhibitor therapy for difficult to treat cancers.
NIP Group – Stockholm, 2.3 million shares, priced at $9-$11, managed by Tiger Brokers GF Securities. Proposed Nasdaq symbol NIPG. Business: Esports organization behind the Ninjas in Pyjamas teams in Sweden and China.
Autozi – Beijing, 2.5 million shares, priced at $4-$5, managed by Tiger Brokers Kingswood. Proposed Nasdaq symbol AZI. Business: Sells parallel import cars and auto parts in China.
Ming Shing Group – Hong Kong, 1.5 million shares, priced at $5.50-$7.50, managed by R. F. Lafferty Revere Sec.. Proposed Nasdaq symbol MSW. Business: Hong Kong construction subcontractor focused on wet trades services.
Primega Group – Hong Kong, 1.8 million shares, priced at $4-$6, managed by Bancroft Capital. Proposed Nasdaq symbol PGHL. Business: Provides transportation services to the construction industry in Hong Kong.
BloomZ – Tokyo, 1.3 million shares, priced at $4.30, managed by Network 1. Proposed Nasdaq symbol BLMZ. Business: Japanese audio production and voice actor management company.
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