Downtown D.C. will never again be what it was pre-pandemic. That’s not a bad thing, but it requires our plans for the future to be visionary rather than attempting to go back in time.
Remote work and artificial intelligence are permanently altering how and where people work. Though these are historic disruptions, they present an exciting opportunity to reimagine downtown as a thriving 24/7 community. If we reduce outdated office space and convert more buildings into housing and amenities that support neighborhoods, downtown D.C. can transform into a vibrant residential and cultural hub that drives growth and tax revenues to support strong schools, robust social services, and inclusive prosperity. With forward thinking, D.C. can attract remote workers and redefine downtown as not just a workplace but also a destination for shopping, dining, arts, and entertainment.
Covid-19 accelerated the shift to remote work with fewer people working in offices, grabbing lunch, and meeting…
Read the full story from the Washington Business Journal.