50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2016

New year, new you

Are you ready to make some big changes in 2016? We pulled together our top stories from 2015 to help you get on the right financial track as you ring in the new year. From smarter saving to savvier spending, these tips will help you prioritize your money management tasks and reach your goals. Here are 50 ways to improve your finances in 2016:

Find the best bank or credit union for you.

If you’re tired of inconvenient ATM locations or paying unexpected fees, then it’s time to find a financial institution that better meets your needs. In addition to considering banks, it can be worthwhile to check out credit unions, which are used by more than 100 million Americans. The websites MyCreditUnion.gov and aSmarterChoice.org can help.

Use imagery to set your financial goals.

Flipping through images can help inspire and focus goal-setting, says Ellen Rogin, a financial services professional and co-author of “Picture Your Prosperity: Smart Money Moves to Turn Your Vision into Reality.” She encourages people to flip through images, such as beaches or sailboats, when planning their retirement, especially when coordinating with partners to make sure they’re on the same page.

Identify your big money goals and share them with friends.

Sharing financial goals with friends — and even strangers through social media — can help you articulate just what those goals are and also hold you accountable. Research on goal-setting suggests that making public statements about goals helps people commit to them, whether they be money or health related. As the new year kicks off, consider sharing your goals on Facebook, Twitter or a social goal-setting site like Linkagoal.

Protect your phone from thieves.

Your phone contains a lot of sensitive information, including potential access to your bank account, email and social media profiles. That’s why it’s important to protect it. In addition to the obvious, like adding a password to your phone, you might want to consider downloading the Find My iPhone app or Find My Phone for Android in case you lose the device. Turning off automatic Wi-Fi connections, so your phone doesn’t connect to nearby unsecured Wi-Fi networks without your knowledge, is another smart idea.

Maximize your workplace benefits.

If you’re lucky enough to have a job with benefits, then it pays to make sure you’re getting as much out of them as possible. Aside from salary, take a close look at available retirement accounts (making sure to pick up any matching benefits), flexible spending accounts, financial literacy programs and wellness support, which can include free counseling. Health insurance and disability insurance can also help protect your finances in the long term.

Sidestep financial pitfalls.

As we move through life, many obstacles can shake our financial security. Among them: A job loss, health crisis and supporting family members, including children and aging parents. Learning to be resilient, which is easier if you have a solid nest egg and keep debt to a minimum, is a key part of maintaining financial security though all the ups and downs of life.

Use helpful savings apps.

Apps can make it easier to protect our bank accounts from fraud and save more money, and it can pay to use them. Some of the best entrants in the field include BillGuard, an app that flags fraudulent or erroneous charges, and Key Ring, which collects your loyalty cards digitally so you can snag savings even if you leave your cards at home.

Incorporate new financial tools into your routine.

Other useful financial tools include PriceGrabber and RedLaser, which allow for quick price comparisons when shopping online or in stores, and PriceBlink, a browser add-on that lets you know if there is a lower price elsewhere online. Mint offers a free budgeting tool to help you track your spending, and You Need a Budget is another good option.

Become more financially literate.

Financial literacy is a key factor when it comes to adults building wealth over time, according to research at the University of Massachusetts. If people understand basic concepts when it comes to saving, investing and compound interest, then they are more likely to sit on a significant nest egg as they get older. That’s why making an effort to educate yourself, whether it’s through workplace education programs or online tutorials, can pay off.

Get on the same financial page as your partner.

Coordinating your spending and saving habits with your partner can not only lead to a smoother relationship, it can also mean more money in your joint bank accounts. The blogging couple Derek and Carrie Olsen of derekandcarrie.com suggest holding a monthly get-together to review finances and to share one bank account, which can ease coordination. They also advocate developing a five-year plan, which can help guide daily choices.

Simplify your digital life.

If you’re often tempted by emails promising amazing deals and killer savings, then you might want to consider unsubscribing to the dozens of retailer email lists you may have unknowingly signed up for. The tool Unroll.Me makes it easy; with a few clicks you can either unsubscribe or opt for a daily “Rollup” email that you can peruse at your leisure instead of constantly getting pinged by unimportant emails all day long.

Avoid big tax mistakes.

Waiting too long to file, sticking with onerous paper forms and forgetting to update your household status are among the common errors people make when filing their taxes. These mistakes can be costly, too, because they can mean you don’t get your tax refund in a timely manner or you overpay Uncle Sam. Keeping paperwork, including receipts, organized all year long can also help make the April 15 deadline easier to meet (or beat).

Boost your financial confidence.

A February Fidelity survey of 1,542 women found there is a confidence gap between men and women. The respondents reported that they avoided talking about money partly because the topic feels so uncomfortable to discuss, which can end up hurting women in the long run by leaving them uninformed. Participating in financial seminars or workshops can help fill that confidence gap.

Stay in shape on a budget.

If you’re looking to stay in shape while remaining under budget, there’s a few apps for that. Runtastic Six Pack and Johnson & Johnson 7-Minute Workout are among the ones that are free and useful. Now, there’s no excuse for failing to work out, even when you’re stuck inside due to winter weather.

Teach kids smart money habits.

Strong savings habits start early; financial experts generally recommend starting to talk about money and the importance of budgeting with your kids by the time they’re in kindergarten. Allowance, comparison price shopping at the grocery store and discussions about trade-offs to meet long-term goals like vacation can all contribute to a basic level of financial literacy.

Prepare your money to age well.

As you get older and prepare to retire, it’s important to make sure your money will last. That means checking that your investments are in a portfolio that’s aggressive enough to outpace inflation and reviewing your budget for any big leaks. You can also ask your bank what services it has in place, like fraud prevention, to protect older adults.

Spend smarter.

When you’re planning your budget for the coming year, you might want to first take some time to review the previous year’s spending. That way, you can plan for expected but infrequent costs, including gifts or travel, as well as all the routine monthly expenses. It can also help to set some money aside for enjoyable experiences, since you can then enjoy the memory of them, too.

Learn from millennial spending habits.

Millennials might still be at the relative beginning of their financial journeys, but they have some useful habits to teach the rest of us. Young consumers who experienced the Great Recession as they were coming of age tend to be savvy shoppers, maximizing coupons and savings. They also cut costs by taking on DIY projects and prioritizing the expenses, like travel, that are most important to them.

Spend less on food.

Food might be one constant in our budgets, but there are still ways to trim those costs. Buying in bulk, cooking at home as much as possible and making meals you can freeze for later are among the smart strategies. By planning meals and keeping perishable items visible at the front of your fridge you can also help minimize waste.

Talk with your parents about their money management.

At some point in their lives, your parents might need help managing their money. Experts suggest that children who talk openly about money with their parents tend to be better prepared to help parents with money management tasks as they age. With Americans living longer and cognitive decline often setting in after age 70, being prepared is more important than ever.

Pay off expensive debt.

If you’re still carrying around expensive debt, then it’s time to make a plan to pay it off. In “The Debt Escape Plan,” author Beverly Harzog suggests doing just that by setting specific targets for yourself (for example, pay off one credit card by April), and get the support you need from a credit counselor if necessary. You might also want to look for ways to scale back spending while simultaneously earning more money, which can then be put toward the debt.

Defend your personal brand.

Even the typical office worker has to worry about a personal brand these days: Everyone has a name that can be Googled by a potential employer, client or even date. If you’re struggling with your online presence, you might want to consider paying for a service that can help, like BrandYourself.com, especially if online problems are interfering with a job search.

Keep your money safe online.

One of the most common identity theft schemes is for an attacker to send an email with a hyperlink that leads victims to an official-looking site that requests personal information. People can be fooled into sharing their names, addresses, credit card numbers and even Social Security numbers this way. To keep yourself safe, avoid clicking on unfamiliar URLs sent to you via email, even if at first glance they appear to be from your bank or a retailer.

Know how to start over if you need to.

If you’ve had a rough 2015 and 2016 is about rebuilding, then you might want to focus on prioritizing savings and re-establishing your credit, especially if it has been destroyed by previous troubles, like filing for bankruptcy. Financial experts suggest paying bills in full and making on-time monthly payments to eventually reach a higher credit score.

Prepare for a potential disability.

Every day, people get injuries that impede their ability to work, and sometimes, the effects can be catastrophic. To make sure you and your family are protected, check up on your disability insurance, which might be available through your workplace.

Pay less for gas.

Gas prices might not be as high as they once were, but there’s still no reason to pay more than you need to to fill up your tank. Emptying your trunk of heavy items, checking your tire pressure and shopping around for the lowest price of gas per gallon can all help keep your costs at the pump low.

Use apps to shop and save.

Sharing potential purchases with friends though a social shopping app such as Mashalot or Blinq can make clicking “buy” all the more tempting, but it can also make it easier to share coupons and great deals on items that you were going to buy anyway. Just make sure you don’t get carried away — stick with the items on your shopping list.

Negotiate and comparison shop for deals.

Negotiating prices, even at big-box stores, can help you stay under budget. Many stores offer price matching deals, especially around big shopping holidays, so be sure to save receipts and images of good deals when you see them.

Use social media to improve your finances.

Facebook and Twitter aren’t all fun and games; social media tools can help you manage your finances. Tweeting to a retailer about a customer service concern is one of the fastest ways to get a response (or even a refund), and fleshing out your LinkedIn page can help you land new clients or a new job. You can also check your Facebook “about” section to make sure you’re not revealing details relevant to banking security questions that could make it easier for someone to hack into your account.

Improve your credit score.

Giving your credit score a boost can help you land a better interest rate on your mortgage or a new car loan. To improve it, you can start by paying off debt, requesting a credit line increase and always making on time payments. Late payments and a high debt-to-credit-line ratio can hurt your score.

Apply time-management lessons to your finances.

Being efficient with your time often translates into being efficient with your money. Top time management gurus suggest picking just one or two financial goals to focus on to avoid getting overwhelmed and also taking advantage of small parcels of time to make progress on those goals. For example, if you have five minutes of down time in your day between meetings, you can log in to your bank account and review your last statement.

Spend less on clothes.

Clothing can be a giant money suck, but there are ways to limit spending without sacrificing your style. Buying slightly off-season gear, swapping gently used clothes with friends and using rental sites like Rent the Runway for formal events can all help reduce costs.

Plan a more frugal vacation.

You don’t have to staycation to save money on vacation. Instead, you can opt to travel during slow periods, which tend to be cheaper, look for coupons through any memberships you hold such as AARP or AAA and always ask your hotel for a lower price when you call to make the reservation.

Become more financially authentic.

Being financially authentic means living and spending according to your values, and doing so can actually help you save more money. It might mean letting go of spending that grows out of simply trying to keep up with the consumer habits of your peers, or switching careers so your earnings line up with the values you embrace.

Pursue frugal habits in your free time.

A free afternoon can end up being costly if you use the time off to go out to lunch, see a movie and grab a pedicure. Instead, look for a frugal hobby you can adopt, such as crafting or jogging, or start volunteering in your community.

Max out your retirement savings.

If you didn’t meet your retirement savings goals in 2015, you’ll want to be sure to do so in 2016. If you have access to a 401(k) through work, you can set it up to automatically deduct a certain percentage from your paycheck. Otherwise, you can check on your eligibility for an IRA.

Check savings websites before buying anything online.

If you like online shopping, then you probably want to bookmark RetailMeNot (a coupon site), Ebates (a cashback site) and Camelcamelcamel (an Amazon price-tracking site) before you make purchases. That way, you can make sure you’re getting all available discounts and the lowest price.

Outsmart identity thieves.

With identity thieves on the prowl, a few steps can help keep you and your money safe: Review your credit card and bank account statements at least once a month to check for erroneous charges, which can be the first sign of theft. You should also only purchase items from sites that have the “lock” symbol on the left side of the URL, which indicates it’s a secure site and not a fraudulent copycat site.

Prepare your finances for natural (and man-made) disasters.

A bad storm or power outage can leave your financial life in disarray. To prepare for any kind of unexpected disaster, you can come up with a plan for alternate housing, prepare an emergency kit and keep nonperishable food on hand. If you don’t have access to heat or running water, make sure you can still keep your family fed.

Manage household finances better.

Money can get more complicated as your family grows. Using an app like HomeBudget can make it easier to share expenditure information with your spouse. HelloWallet’s emergency savings calculator is a useful way to see if you have enough savings on hand to get you through a difficult period.

Plug up money leaks.

Paying more than you need to for transportation, especially if you frequently use Uber or taxis; splurging on name-brand products; and going out to dinner are among the common money leaks cited by financial advisors. To plug those holes in your budget, take a close look at what you spent money on over the last month by scrutinizing receipts or your credit card statement, and pick some areas to cut back on.

Check up on your insurance policies.

Life insurance is not particularly fun to take out, but it is an essential part of building your (and your family’s) financial security, especially if you are the primary breadwinner. Reviewing your policies once a year to ensure they are in good standing and that you have enough coverage is a good idea. You can also check if you have any options to take out supplemental coverage through your workplace.

Calculate your net worth.

Knowing your net worth is a key step toward building it, so take some time, at least once a year, to crunch some numbers. Run through your current assets and liabilities to figure out your current net worth, and then you can work on building from there.

Reflect on your money beliefs.

Sometimes, building your wealth has to start by confronting deep-seated fears and beliefs around money. Perhaps your upbringing led you to believe that you can’t enjoy earning money, or you don’t deserve to have a big bank account, so you sabotage yourself by taking actions that ultimately hurt your finances. Exploring those long-held beliefs and massaging them can help you make smarter money decisions.

Rebalance your investments regularly.

If you invest too conservatively, then your money might not keep up with inflation. Meanwhile, if you are overly aggressive, swings in the market could lead to a loss of assets at an inconvenient time, like shortly before retirement. Review your portfolio at least once a year to make sure you have the right mix for you; a financial advisor can also help.

Use new tools to pay back friends and family.

If you find yourself frequently needing to reimburse friends and family members, or perhaps get reimbursed from them, then a tool such as PayPal.Me or Venmo might come in handy. Both options make it easy to request, track and transfer cash. If alimony payments are part of your life, then the tool SupportPay can help.

Take a DIY, minimal approach to spending.

In addition to eating more meals at home, you can try to fix broken items yourself before calling in professionals (except where safety is at stake, like with electrical outlets), and perhaps get in touch with your crafty side when it comes to making gifts for other people. Sometimes, it really is the thought that counts.

Take advantage of freebies.

You might be surrounded by free items and not even realize it: Local museums, libraries, public parks and outdoor concerts are often all around us, but we might be overlooking them. Taking advantage of those freebies can help cut your entertainment costs.

Finalize your estate planning documents.

Ensuring that you have a will and living trust, advance directive for health care and power of attorney for finances can all help make it easier for family members to help you manage your money as you age. If you become incapacitated, for example, you’ll want it to be as easy as possible for someone to step in and help you manage your money.

Carpe diem.

As important as it is to save money, it’s also important to spend it in ways that bring you joy before it’s too late. That’s why financial advisors recommend traveling in retirement before health issues make it too challenging, and spending as much time with family members as possible.

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50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2016 originally appeared on usnews.com

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