How to Follow Up on a Job Application Without Being Annoying

You applied to a job. Now what?

The next step isn’t just sitting back and waiting — there’s plenty you can do to increase your chances of getting an interview. But following up in the right manner is crucial, because doing it poorly can be a deal-breaker. Here are some do’s and don’ts for following up after applying for a job:

Connect with the hiring manager.

In addition to sending an application to the given email address, track down the email address of the hiring manager, and send an application to him or her as well. If an Internet search doesn’t reveal who the hiring manager is, a simple phone call to the company’s main switchboard often will. In your email, note that you applied through the official channels but wanted to reach out directly, too. (That shows that you followed the application instructions.)

But don’t stalk the hiring manager.

Don’t compulsively check the status of your application. A week after applying, it’s OK to follow up with the hiring manager once to reiterate your interest in the job. Email rather than call, since emailing is less of an interruption in the hiring manager’s probably busy day.

In your email, say something like …

“I submitted my application for your ____ position last week, and I just want to make sure you received my materials. I also want to reiterate my interest in the position; I think it might be a great match, and I’d love to talk with you about it when you’re ready to begin scheduling interviews.”

Send only one email.

After sending that one message, you can’t continue to follow up without looking pushy. If the company invites you to interview, you can follow up again after it — but you shouldn’t follow up more than once without a response at each stage of the process. That can be frustrating when you really want to hear a reply, but at that point, it’s in the company’s court, and continuing to push won’t reflect well on your candidacy.

Be enthusiastic, but not desperate.

It doesn’t look desperate to express interest in the job or check in to ask about the timeline. But enthusiasm does cross the line if you’re calling regularly, sounding eager to take any job as opposed to this one in particular, or appearing as if this is your only option.

Make LinkedIn your friend.

This is where LinkedIn really shines: You can search to see if anyone in your network is connected to someone who works at the company you’re applying to — or if anyone you know is even a few degrees away from someone works there. Depending on who the connections are, you could ask for background information on the job, ask for a proactive referral or introduction, or ask directly for an interview.

Start Googling.

Why not search online for blogs written by people who work at the company you’re targeting? If you find one, read some of the posts, then contact the blogger with complimentary (but genuine) feedback on his or her work. Once a rapport is established, you can then mention that you’re applying at the company and ask what it’s like to work there. Don’t be pushy, but in some cases, this can lead to an introduction to someone involved in hiring.

Keep job searching.

And last, no matter how perfectly qualified you think you are for this job, remember to keep job-searching. Don’t get too invested in any one opportunity until you have a job offer in hand!

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How to Follow Up on a Job Application Without Being Annoying originally appeared on

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