WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, Prince William County first responders trained for ice water rescues — a mission the participants said they hope they never have to use.
The team participated in an ice water rescue training exercise Tuesday morning in the frigid waters of Lake Montclair in Dumfries, Va. Members of the Swift Water and Flood Rescue Team conducted safety drills including self-rescue, victim rescue and shore operations.
The training comes after a 10-year-old boy died in Montgomery County after he fell through the ice in a retaining pond earlier this month.
Watch a video and view photos of the training below:
#WTOP pic.twitter.com/BTVkFlGQha
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) January 28, 2014
#WTOP pic.twitter.com/nCjr6zIQO7
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) January 28, 2014
#WTOP pic.twitter.com/kJH87I7zE4
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) January 28, 2014
Violet Lawton gets an ice rescue training lesson fr PW Co first responders #no ice is safe ice" #WTOP pic.twitter.com/QH9e4jsRCW
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) January 28, 2014
WTOP’s Kristi King contributed to this report. Follow @kingWTOP and @WTOP on Twitter.