You may be surprised, or grossed out, to learn what the grossest places in your home are. Here\'s the top five list and what you can do to keep them clean from
#1: The kitchen sponge 1: Dish sponges and rags
While most of us know sponges can harbor bacteria, we keep them in rotation a little too long. Same goes for rags. Toss the sponge and wash each rag every two weeks.
It's what we use to keep things clean, but it was the no. 1 offender scientists found carried the most germs in the average household, the kitchen sponge.
The study found 77 percent of sponges contained coliform bacteria, and another 86 percent contained yeast and mold.
#2: The kitchen sink The kitchen sink has the second-highest concentration of microorganisms.To keep it clean: Use a disnfecting cleaner one or two times a week and use bleach every month to clean drains and garbage disposals. Strainers should also be cleaned weekly.
#3: Toothbrush holder 3: Toothbrush holders
It's near the toilet, and rarely gets a good cleaning.
The study found 64 percent of toothbrush holders tested positive for yeast. And 27 percent had coliform.
#4: Pet food bowl 4: Pet Bowls
Nearly half of all pet bowls the scientists with the Public Health and Safety Organization tested had mold and yeast, and 18 percent contained coliform bacteria.
#5: Coffee maker And coming in at number five, it's the coffee reservoir.To keep it clean: This dark, damp place is perfect for bacteria, mold and mildew. Usually, the manufacturer will have cleaning instructions. Running four cups of diluted vinegar is also recommended. Let it stand for half an hour first. Then, run water through two or three times. Clean monthly.
You may be surprised, or grossed out, to learn what the grossest places in your home are. Here’s the top five list and what you can do to keep them clean from