Gov. Larry Hogan and first lady Yumi Hogan received their second COVID-19 booster and are asking eligible Maryland residents to follow in their footsteps.
Gov. Hogan said these booster shots, given by vaccinators with the University of Maryland Medical Center, are the reason why the state has been successful in fighting the pandemic.
“If you are now eligible for a second booster, we encourage you to go out and get one at your local pharmacy or any of our hundreds of providers across the state,” Gov. Hogan said in a news release. “A big part of learning to live with the virus is using common sense and taking the right precautions in our daily lives.”
All Marylanders 12 or older are eligible for their first booster shot and those that are 50 or older, or 12 and older and considered immunocompromised, are able to get their second booster shot. Anyone can access a list of free vaccine resources by visiting the state’s vaccination website.
This statement follows Maryland’s Department of Health announcing just under 11.8 million vaccinations across the state and a wave of concerns about future variants.
Hogan also presented a National Nurses Week proclamation to the chief nursing officer of UMMC, Karen Doyle.