Md. police officer accused of sharing child porn online

An investigation into the sharing of child pornography online led police to the doorstep of one of their own. Now, a Maryland-National Capital Park Police officer is under arrest.

Anthony M. Mileo, 53, of Huntingtown, Maryland, has been charged with 17 counts of possessing child porn and 17 counts of distributing it.

Maryland State Police said their investigation began after they got an online tip in August from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children regarding the sharing of child porn online. The investigation led them to Mileo.

On Thursday morning, state police along with Homeland Security Department investigators showed up at Mileo’s home and arrested the officer.

Inside the home, investigators seized several electronic devices, which police say will be sent to the Maryland State Police Digital Forensics Laboratory.

Maryland-National Capital Park Police did not offer any additional information about the officer’s current status within the department.

Anyone with information about the case should contact state police through the Maryland Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-637-5437.

Mike Murillo

Mike Murillo is a reporter and anchor at WTOP. Before joining WTOP in 2013, he worked in radio in Orlando, New York City and Philadelphia.

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