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Just because Spring is over doesn’t mean you have to stop planting beautiful blooms in your yard, plant these 10 fall bloomers for some late-season color.

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Photo Credit: Getty Images, Elenakirey
(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Elenakirey)
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Elenakirey

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Snapdragons come in almost every color and don’t mind the cold, blooming until a hard freeze.
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Michel VIARD
(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Michel VIARD)
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Michel VIARD

These bright flowers come in all shapes and colors. They will be certain to brighten up your backyard deep into fall!
Photo Credit: Getty Images, Konoplytska
(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Konoplytska)
Getty Images/iStockphoto/Konoplytska