Passing up French fries to watch your figure? Well, one local lifestyle blogger said she can still eat some and be happy with the way she looks in regards to her new diet.
Erin Washington, a lifestyle blogger, former Division I soccer player and wife of retired Redskins player Marcus Washington, said she has a new outlook on exercise and eating, and it’s paying off.
“It’s not what women think, it’s not what we’re taught,” Washington said.
She used to starve herself, eating nothing but salads and working out seven days a week. Her program, outlined in her new book Squats and Margaritas includes tips on what to order at restaurants and not feel like you’re on a diet.
“I work out hard, but I also drink margaritas,” Washington said.
Her secret?
“I’m eating more and my muscles are burning it,” she said.
In addition, she’s changing the way she orders out. Washington’s not cutting out fried foods and other items considered taboo. She’s just altering the way she eats them.
“I get like a grilled chicken sandwich. A lot of people would be like, ‘well then you can’t get the fries,’ but I have a handful of fries because I can’t live without that. What I can live without is the bun so I take off a part of the bun. … It’s balance I can still stick with this plan. I’m not going to quit because it’s not too hard and I’m not miserable.”
Washington realized she wasn’t eating enough to fuel her metabolism and she wasn’t happy. Now, she said she’s lifting heavier and working out less, putting her favorite beverages back in the mix, but with a twist.
“Instead of doing a margarita, sometimes I’ll do a tequila with club soda, club soda doesn’t have any calories and then the frozen margarita that they have at the Mexican restaurants, you just ask them to put a little shot of the frozen machine in your tequila and soda and you stir it up, it tastes like a frozen margarita but it’s not all of the sugar and calories.”
When she first made the change she said she lost 20 pounds in no time at all.
“It’s a balanced lifestyle and it’s sustainable because you know you can have that thing that you love.”