Gabie Nicchitta says the Centreville High School Chorale Boosters are using a bake sale to raise money for items needed to help the school’s choir groups.
CENTREVILLE, Va. — In what’s become one of the most polarizing seasons in history, some future voters have found a way to unify people coming to one of Fairfax County’s busiest polling places.
Overlooking a table of freshly-baked cookies, cupcakes, brownies and other desserts, organizer Gabie Nicchitta says the Centreville High School Chorale Boosters are using a bake sale to raise money for music, music stands and other items needed for the school’s choir groups.
“It’s a really good place for us to bond — and to make money,” Nicchitta says with a laugh.
Located right outside the school door, behind the line and signs that limit campaigning, the bake sale seems genuinely non-partisan.
“Oh yeah, food unifies everybody,” she says. “There’s no politics in food.”
Neal Augenstein has been a general assignment reporter with WTOP since 1997. He says he looks forward to coming to work every day, even though that means waking up at 3:30 a.m.