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7 Smart Money Saving Tips for Your Summer Vacation 06/15/2015 08:00pm • No matter how far you are from home, time off is time off. Escaping from your job, taking a break from household responsibilities and skipping other mundane maintenance required for everyday life is rejuvenating. I've compiled a list of money-saving ideas to help plan your travel for recreation whe The 3 Biggest Social Media Snafus That Can Cost You the Job 06/14/2015 08:00pm • "Better safe than sorry" is the motto job seekers and employees alike should adopt when it comes to posting on social media. "Many underestimate the reach of social media," says David Hoffeld, CEO of Hoffeld Group. "Social media is search-engine friendly, and many wrongly assume that when they post Sponge baths and hypnotism: The strangest productivity killers at work Sponge baths and hypnotism: The strangest productivity killers at work 06/11/2015 07:03am • WASHINGTON -- How do you kill time at the office? If you text, surf the web or use social media, you're not alone. Surprisingly, if you take a sponge bath, you're also not alone. A new CareerBuilder survey explores the most common -- and the most bizarre -- ways that employees waste tim The Ins and Outs of Cover Letters 06/10/2015 08:00pm • Many people are convinced cover letters are out, but whether you need a cover letter or not depends on the job you're applying to. If you're lucky and have a contact who is willing to pass along your résumé, you probably don't need one. If a job description asks for a letter or states that it's v 7 Free and Cheap Ways to Enjoy a Staycation 06/10/2015 10:00am • If you're looking for ways to pare down summer vacation expenses, consider planning a staycation on a three-day weekend or when you can take a few days off to enjoy a summer break. You don't have to spend a lot of money to make the most of your surroundings, and summertime is a great season to get o 8 Ways to Remember Something Right Now 06/04/2015 08:00pm • Losing your mind -- or just your glasses?Yesterday, it was where you parked the car. Today it's the new co-worker's name. If tomorrow you can't remember an item on your mental grocery list, you may think you're losing your mind. More likely? You're human. "What I know about memory is how fallible it Data Doctors: Explaining the 'Internet of Things' 06/04/2015 07:29am • PHOENIX, Ariz. -- This week, a reader asks, What exactly is the "Internet of Things?" As next big things go, the "Internet of Things" (IoT) is big and the impact itâs going to have, and in some cases is already having, on our daily lives will be dramatic. Itâs essentially everyday physica 8 Investments That Make a Difference 06/02/2015 08:00pm • Investing is good -- and oh so very good when it reaps a healthy profit. But while we all hope for monetary gains, there's also the question of the "greater good." Socially responsible investments yield returns of another sort -- whether they aid the environment, back ethical businesses or pursue m 5 Elements of a Great Thank-You Note 06/01/2015 08:00pm • You have to be self-centered in order to conduct a job search. Only you understand your particular needs, abilities and aspirations. Only you can know the intricate details of your own situation, such as how happy and secure you are you in your current position or the impact of your current unemploy Casting call for 'House of Cards' scheduled in Annapolis and Baltimore 05/27/2015 09:05pm • ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) â Do you look like a regular working Joe? Or maybe you can rock a tuxedo. Perhaps you're more of an art gallery type. "House of Cards" is holding a casting call this weekend, and those types and more are sought for the political series. Whatever look you decide on, Marine Friends, Family and Startup Fundraising: Risky Business? 05/26/2015 08:00pm • Do you find the stock market stodgy? Or traditional investments tedious? There's always the allure of the startup world and the creations of clever entrepreneurs. It's easy to see why: The success stories of Google, Facebook and eyeglass maker Warby Parker have captured headlines and imaginations. How to take a frugal camping vacation 05/26/2015 10:00am • One of the best ways to explore new areas of the country and soak up the sun in the great outdoors is camping. One summer, I was working for a company that traveled to a new city each week and I would camp most of those weekends rather than paying for a hotel. Campsites ranged from free to $30 a nig 8 Things That Are More Productive Than Staring at a Job Board 05/25/2015 08:00pm • Snap out of it!Are your eyes glazing over from staring at the computer -- refreshing the online job search engines every other minute and blindly emailing résumés? Sorry, but while this passive job-search strategy is easy, "it's the lazy thing to do, and it's very unproductive," says Andrea Kay, c 5 Ways to Job Hunt On the Go 05/25/2015 08:00pm • Nearly 2 in 3 Americans own smartphones, "and for many, these devices are a key entry point to the online world," according to a 2015 series of surveys conducted by Pew Research Center in association with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The degree to which Americans are dependent on th How to Tackle Student Loans During the Grace Period 05/25/2015 08:00pm • Get Ahead of Student Loan PaymentsCongratulations -- you survived college. But now it's time to think about those pesky student loans. Depending on its terms, a loan may allow graduates to delay their first payment for several months. This is when those recent borrowers should settle on a repayment
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