In this third installment of the Healdsburg Wine and Food Experience, I had the pleasure of sitting down with wine grower, Duff Bevill. Duff originally intended to specialize in fruit and nut production, but a summer job in Dry Creek Valley in 1973 transformed his career dreams. Working for a local vineyard management company, Duff became acquainted with many older farmers in Dry Creek Valley. “It gave me a sense of history and an appreciation for what it means to be a grape grower in this valley.” Widely recognized as one of Sonoma County’s most accomplished vineyardists, Duff has been farming wine grapes in the area for over 40 years. A strong proponent of sustainable farming, he supports the implementation of the guidelines established by the California Association of Wine Grape Growers and the Sonoma County Winegrape Commission. Duff and his wife Nancy live in the heart of Dry Creek Valley, surrounded by vineyards. Drink in the very educational session with Duff Bevill.
Wine grower Duff Bevill says “farming isn’t rocket science … it’s harder”
Listen to more from the show: The Vine Guy