Best Diet Plans for Women


If you’re looking for a weight loss plan, it can be overwhelming with all the choices available. It is tough to decipher which is a legitimate, science-backed program that is in line with safety guidelines and will provide you with all the nutrients your body needs.

Quick weight loss plans are another option women may find appealing, but the safety of rapid weight loss can be compromised if done too quickly.

This article will examine top weight loss picks for women, discuss the safety of quick weight loss plans and weight loss tips for women from registered dietitian nutritionists.

Weight Loss for Women

If you’re overweight or have obesity, losing weight can provide a variety of health benefits, including:

Lower blood pressure.

— Lower total cholesterol.

— Lower “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Lower blood sugar levels, for people with diabetes.

When it comes to losing weight, components of a healthy weight loss plan include:

— Diet.

— Exercise.

— Behavioral change.

— Nutrients.

While these are the major components to any weight loss plan, heathy living is also important, such getting enough sleep, drinking alcohol in moderation and managing stress.



is a big part of weight loss. How much, how little and what you eat and drink play a role in your weight.

Including all food groups in your weight loss plan is key in order to make sure your body has all the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins from plant and animal sources, dairy foods and healthy fats.

According to the National Institutes of Health, a safe rate for weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. That rate should not exceed 6 months before reassessing a new goal. In addition, the NIH recommends consuming 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day to safely meet this rate of weight loss. Consuming less than 1,200 calories can lead to under nourishment of the body as you won’t be able to get all the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.

Over-restricting food choices is usually counterproductive,” says Malina Malkani, a registered dietitian and owner of Malina Malkani Nutrition. “This is because avoiding or restricting certain foods makes them more irresistible, which can set people up to overindulge and make it harder to lose weight. A better long-term strategy is to plan balanced meals and snacks that incorporate some favorite treats and fully enjoy them without guilt or shame.”

[READ: How Many Calories Should You Eat A Day?]


It’s important to incorporate regular physical activity and exercise into your routine to help you reach your weight loss and overall health goals. Getting exercise and staying physically active can decrease fat, build muscle and maintain weight, as well as increase heart and lung function.

So, how much movement do you need? The NIH recommends 30 to 45 minutes of moderate levels of physical activity three to five days a week. Always speak to your health care professional before starting a new exercise program.

[READ 6 Expert-Approved Tips to Make Exercise a Habit]

Behavioral changes

When it comes to changing behaviors, research has shown that making small changes that stick helps with successful weight loss in the long term. Examples of small eating behaviors and habits include:

— Eating vegetables as a snack every day.

— Drinking at least eight glasses of water every day.

— Switching from white bread to 100% whole-wheat bread.

Remember: It takes at least six months to form a habit that you follow daily. Think about how you feel when you don’t brush your teeth — it’s a habit that is part of your everyday life. Similarly, forming small healthy eating habits takes time, but as you practice them every day over a long period of time, they become second nature.


Beyond calories, women have higher needs for certain nutrients based on body functions specific to their biology.

Women need to focus specifically on the following five nutrients to ensure they’re getting enough of them for good health:


Calcium. Consuming enough calcium can help stave off osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones that typically occurs with age, which is more common among women than men.

Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body metabolize calcium in the foods we eat.

Magnesium. Magnesium is also important in helping the bones absorb calcium to keep them strong.

— Folic acid.

[READ: The Menopause Diet: The best diet plan for mitigating symptoms and weight gain.]

Best Diet Plans For Women

The best diet plans for women are the top eating approaches in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Diets Overall. This is because they include all-inclusive food groups and are flexible for the dieter’s likes, dislikes, food allergies and cultural food preference.

Here are the top four best diet plans for women:

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet gained popularity due to the health benefits seen in several countries — like Italy, Spain and Greece — that surround the Mediterranean Sea. The eating style focuses on the foods rather than individual nutrients. The foods are mainly plant-based foods — including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and healthy unsaturated fats, like olive oil — and small amounts of lean protein and seafood is included as well.

DASH diet

The DASH diet, which stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension, was originally created by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to successfully help lower blood pressure. It has also been shown to help with successful weight. The DASH diet plan provides specific recommendations for how many servings of food from each food group should be consumed. Foods include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products, fish, poultry, beans and nuts. Foods high in saturated fat — like high-fat meats or processed foods — and full-fat dairy are limited.

MIND diet

The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, combines two clinically proven diets that specifically zeroes in on foods that specifically promote brain health to potentially lower the risk of mental decline. Developed by experts at Rush University Medical Center and backed by the National Institute on Aging, the MIND diet aims to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia by emphasizing leafy greens, berries, whole grains, nuts, poultry, fish and healthy fats.

Flexitarian diet

The flexitarian diet is the combination of “flexible” and “vegetarian.” Because this diet isn’t strictly vegetarian, you can decide how often you want to include limited amounts of meat or other animal proteins in your diet.

By eating more plant foods and less animal-based foods, research reveals that dieters can lose weight and improve health, such as lowering the rate of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers.

On this plan, there are no strict guidelines or serving sizes, and all food groups are included but it does focus on eating mainly plant foods, like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, lentils and healthy fats.

What Is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight for Women?

The keto diet is ranked No. 1 in U.S. News Best Diets for Fast Weight Loss category.

Humans get their energy from carbohydrates in foods. However, the ketogenic diet drastically reduces the carbohydrates in the diet to 5% to 10% of total calories, which forces the body to turn fat into ketones, substances produced in the liver to be used for energy in the absence of food.

Dieters have been shown to lose weight very quickly on the keto plan, but this doesn’t come without risk. During the initial week on the plan, dieters tend to experience muscle aches, headaches, mental fog, fatigue and hunger. Longer term, a review of studies found that following this plan for over two years can result in certain health concerns, including nutrient deficiencies, upset stomach, kidney stones, heart disease, muscle loss and cognitive decline.

Weight Loss Tips for Women

Here are expert-backed tips women can follow in order to help with weight loss goals:

Eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper: There may be something to this old adage. “Emerging research suggests that the timing of when you eat during the day may play an important role in weight management,” says Joan Salge Blake, professor of nutrition at Boston University, author of Nutrition & You. “Banking and consuming the majority of your daily calories for later in the day may make it more challenging to lose and maintain weight loss.”

Don’t mistake hunger for thirst.Staying well-hydrated and drinking plenty of water each day can help us feel fuller for longer and reduce the amount of food we eat,” Malkani says.

Aim for balanced meals. “Protein, healthy fats and fiber contribute to overall health and contribute to feelings of satiety,” Malkani explains. Strive for balanced meals that include some of each.

Spread out the protein. Salge Blake says that staying satisfied between meals helps avoid unplanned, impulsive snacking. “The key to feeling satiated is to make sure that you consume at least 2 ounces of protein with each meal and a high protein snack late afternoon,” Salge Blake explains. Along with your protein, make sure that at least half of your plate is full of high-fiber vegetables that will keep you feeling full.

Don’t forget about the impact of beverage calories. Sugar-sweetened beverages can make significant contributions to daily calorie intake, and alcoholic beverages don’t satisfy hunger and can stimulate the appetite further. If weight loss is a goal, it can be helpful to limit them both.

Bottom Line

There are various safe weight loss plans that you can choose to follow, but it’s important to note that each plan comes with its own set of pros and cons. Choose the weight loss plan that best suits your lifestyle and provides complete nourishment for your body to stay healthy.

If you have any questions or concerns about weight loss plans, talk with a registered dietitian nutritionist who can help guide you. You can find a registered dietitian nutritionist in your area by going to the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics website.

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