Best Alcohol Alternatives to Avoid a Hangover

Best alcohol alternatives to avoid a hangover

Revée Barbour poured herself another drink from the vat with ice, mint and lime floating.

“I don’t feel drunk,” the naturopathic physician based in Sacramento, California, told the party host, who was a mixologist. “I feel very relaxed.”

That was the point: The concoction’s base wasn’t gin or vodka; it was hawthorn tea, which dilates blood vessels to the brain, heart and other parts of the body, causing a sensation that “makes you feel a little loopy,” Barbour says.

The alcohol-free refreshment is one example of some herbal and fermented beverages that are gaining mainstream attention as alternatives to alcohol. These beverages can provide good options for people who want to cut down on their alcohol consumption, as well as those who are in recovery from alcohol misuse.

“People are trying to find a way they can enjoy their food and drinks … without causing those long-term effects,” Barbour says.

Before saying “cheers,” keep in mind that even non-alcoholic and minimally alcoholic drinks need to be purchased and consumed responsibly. Companies that sell herbs and herbal supplements, for example, aren’t regulated, so it’s important to do your research and look to established manufacturers before buying products.

In addition, it’s important to talk to your doctor to make sure these herbs won’t interact with your medications and to know your limits.

When it comes to the best drinks to avoid a hangover, try these beverages:

1. Beetroot

When people order a warm drink made with beetroot from Alchemy, a juice bar and café in Columbus, Ohio, its pink hue can make them feel better before even taking a sip, but the beverage contains no alcohol.

“The self-care movement really (promotes) looking at food as more of an experience, as opposed to fuel or energy or fiber,” says Alexis Joseph, a registered dietitian and the cafe’s co-founder.

Once they slurp, customers can feel more relaxed too, thanks in part to beetroot’s vasodilating effects.

“They have that warming, calming, soothing feeling about them,” Joseph says, “and they happen to be really healthy.”

To make one serving of basic beetroot juice:

— 2 large beets or 4 small beets.

— 1/4 cup of water (optional).


1. Trim the ends of the beets with a sharp knife and thoroughly rinse the beets.

2. Cut the beets into quarters, and place the chunks (and if you choose to, the 1/4 cup of water) into a juicer.

3. Turn on the juicer and allow it to process the beet chunks into a beverage. Beets are hard, so be patient, it may take a few minutes.

4. You can drink the beverage immediately or let it chill in the fridge for a half hour.

There are also many options for purchasing beetroot juice.

Beetroot juice has become increasingly popular among athletes seeking to improve their athletic performances, according to research published in 2021 in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

“The consumption of (beetroot juice) also has an impact on oxygen delivery to skeletal muscles, muscle efficiency, tolerance and endurance and may thus have a positive impact on sports performances,” researchers stated.

However, drinking beetroot juice may increase nitrate levels beyond a safe amount, researchers warned.

Compared to studies on the beneficial effects, the amount of data and literature on the negative effects of beetroot juice is limited, researchers noted. Check with your health care provider or a registered dietitian about whether this beverage — and what quantities — is good for you.

2. Crataegus

Crataegus is another name for hawthorn, the same herb in the mocktail brewed by Barbour’s mixologist friend. This herb is sometimes used to treat heart conditions because it helps open up blood vessels. Research suggests that hawthorn exerts a range of pharmacologic cardiovascular effects, such as anti-inflammatory properties and a decrease in arterial blood pressure.


1. Infuse 1 tablespoon of a hawthorn mixture that contains both the hawthorn plant’s berries and flowers into 1 cup of water.

2. Add an orange slice or honey.

3. Don’t consume more than two drinks.

“It’s a nice refreshing drink that chills you out,” Barbour says.

3. Guarana tea

For a stimulating boost that won’t leave any negative after-effects, try guarana tea. This tea is made from a plant found in the Amazon jungle that’s about the size of a coffee berry and resembles a human eye.

Indigenous Amazonian tribes have used guarana for centuries for therapeutic purposes, notes Sheri Berger, a registered dietitian and owner of the Plant Strong Dietitian based in Mountain View, California.

A review of research published in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety in November 2021 showed that guarana provides a variety of health benefits, including:

— Potential anti-inflammatory properties.

— Possibly alleviating fatigue in patients with breast cancer.

— Improved cognition, including memory, attention and speed of performance.

Some energy drinks and soft drinks contain guarana, but consumers should be aware they also typically contain high amounts of added sugar. Consuming too much added sugar could lead to a spike in your blood sugar level, is associated with inflammation and can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

The American Heart Association recommends that men consume no more than 9 teaspoons — about 36 grams or 150 calories — of added sugar daily and women consume no more than 6 teaspoons — the equivalent of 25 grams or 100 calories — on a daily basis. As a point of reference, a single 12-ounce can of soda has 8 teaspoons of added sugar.

4. Kanna

Know that feeling of lightness after a deep meditation or massage?

Experts say that a drink derived from kanna — a strong, earthy South African herb — can have that effect.

Kanna has been used by indigenous populations in South Africa since ancient times for a variety of purposes, from toothaches to helping increase endurance and reduce stress during long hunts. It’s been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, protect cells from damage and potentially reduce depression and anxiety.

Research published in the journal Molecules in May 2021 noted kanna’s ability to relieve stress and promote a sense of well-being. However, researchers note that not much is known about potential toxicity or how much is safe to consume.

There are a number of ways to serve this drink: You can add cinnamon, cardamom and/or milk and a sweetener.

5. Kava tea

Kava tea, which comes from an herb harvested in the Pacific Islands, is a botanical beverage that has a positive therapeutic effect on the nervous system.

“Kava acts as a muscle relaxer and can help ease nervous tension or induce sleep,” Barbour says. “Some cities even have kava bars, which offer a great alternative to alcohol and happy hours.”

In fact, kava has even been studied as a way to reduce cravings associated with drugs, like alcohol, tobacco, cocaine and heroin. In New Zealand, kava was used as part of an addiction rehab program that had a stunning 90% success rate.

There is some concern that using kava could be associated with liver injury, but the potential link and its extent is not known. Several countries — including Canada, Great Britain, France and Germany — have banned or restricted the use of kava because of concerns about liver injury, according to 2018 research updated in the National Library of Medicine.

Several groups have disputed the evidence for liver damage, saying that toxicity is more likely the result of other added drugs or herbal supplements, not the kava itself.

“The frequency of adverse reactions to kava, particularly liver injury, is not known,” researchers wrote. “Based upon reported cases, the estimated frequency of clinically apparent liver injury due to kava is less than (1 in 1 million) daily doses.”

Patients experiencing liver toxicity typically display symptoms including:

— Fatigue.


— Nausea.

6. Kombucha

If you crave the refreshing fizziness of beer, you’ll feel satisfied sipping on kombucha, an easily accessible, fermented drink typically made from black tea, sugar and SCOBY, an acronym for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast.

This probiotic-rich drink contains B vitamins, glucosamine and other nutrients that support liver and immune health.

In addition, because kombucha can contain a small amount of alcohol and caffeine, you may notice a slight — albeit fleeting — buzz. The amount of alcohol in commercial kombucha drinks varies, with many varieties between 0.1% and 0.5% alcohol by volume; by contrast, regular alcoholic beer typically has 5% alcohol by volume. The legal limit is 0.5% alcohol by volume for manufacturers to be able to call their products as non-alcoholic, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Cap your intake at 2 cups daily.

“It’s not about numbing yourself. It’s about drawing attention to the areas that need the most support,” Barbour says. “That’s where these beverages shine.”

7. Kvass

Ever brush some stale rye bread crumbs into the trash can? Next time, hold on to them — those seemingly worthless scraps form the basis of kvass, another fermented beverage, this one with roots in Russia.

Beet kvass is fermented with wheat or rye bread scraps, beets and water. Typically more sour than mead, the drink boasts B vitamins, fiber and protein.

However, according to the Probiotics Council, consuming beet kvass could cause health risks for some individuals. Because beet kvass may contain high amounts of iron, depending upon the fermentation process, drinking too much may cause toxicity in people who have issues metabolizing iron.

Side effects of consuming beet kvass could include:

— Blood pressure fluctuations.

Colored stools.

Kidney stones.

— Problems with pregnancy.

— Skin allergies.

Stomach issues.

— Liver problems.

It’s an overall health tonic that can be found online, in some stores and even some bars. You can also make it at home using a starter kit.

8. Linden

Are you stressed out about a work assignment or can’t shake the tension from an argument with your spouse? Linden, an herb a bit more bitter and savory than hawthorn and sweeter since it comes from the rose family, might help. Linden is a nervine, a plant-based remedy that may have positive effects on the nervous system.

Research published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition in 2019 suggests herbal teas — like linden — can provide some health benefits. While some of the evidence suggested associations between herbal tea consumption and reduced risk for some conditions like liver and thyroid disease, more research is needed before recommending the use of herbal teas for treatment or preventative health practices.

“I usually prescribe this for folks that have nervous tension,” says Barbour, who recommends using 1 to 2 teaspoons in 1 cup of water and limiting yourself to 1 to 2 cups a day.

9. Matcha tea

The popularity of matcha tea — a type of green tea — has soared in recent years. Matcha tea, like other types of green tea, is made from the plant Camellia sinensis but is grown slightly differently. The difference is the amount of exposure to sunlight, which results in matcha tea having higher chlorophyll and amino acid content.

Also, the whole leaf is utilized, resulting in higher amounts of caffeine and antioxidants compared with other types of green tea. Research suggests that antioxidants can help prevent chronic diseases — such as cancer — by protecting healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals.

This drink might make you feel a “buzz” by reducing your stress levels. In fact, research published in Nutrients in 2018 found that theanine, the amino acid found in high quantities in matcha tea, helped people feel less stressed.

Matcha tea can be easily made by sifting 1 to 2 tablespoons of matcha powder in a cup of 2 to 4 ounces of hot water.

“You can adjust the dosage based on the consistency that you want,” says Courtney Barth, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition in Ohio. “When shopping for a good powder, it may be wise to choose a certified organic brand and consume in moderation.”

10. Mead

If you’re familiar with the paleo diet, you’ve probably heard that some compare the eating regimen to eating like a caveman. But what about drinking like one?

“Mead … is one of the most ancient beverages humans have been consuming,” Barbour says of the sweet, carbonated drink that can go down like cider.

Made from fermented honey, mead has antifungal, antibacterial, immune system-supporting and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as varying levels of alcohol, but it’s typically about half the alcohol content of wine.

To keep things light, try mixing a low-alcohol variety with club soda, mint and rosemary for a refreshing — and health-promoting — beverage, Barbour suggests.

11. Turkish green tea

If you’re looking for a warm and soothing drink, Berger suggests trying Turkish green tea.

“Turkish green tea is a strong beverage that will give you a buzz like alcohol but without the hangover,” she says.

Turkish tea is prepared in a double teapot with only a small amount of water and tea in the top pot. After it has seeped sufficiently, the result is a thick, syrupy concoction. A small amount of hot water from the bottom pot is added to finish it off. You can add fruit peels from apples, oranges or lemons and top with cinnamon and cloves to enhance the flavor.

Studies have shown that the host of phytochemicals in green tea protect the body from cancer-promoting activities.

11 alcohol alternatives that give you a buzz without the hangover:

— Beetroot.

— Crataegus.

— Guarana tea.

— Kanna.

— Kava tea.

— Kombucha.

— Kvass.

— Linden.

— Matcha tea.

— Mead.

— Turkish green tea.

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Best Alcohol Alternatives to Avoid a Hangover originally appeared on

Update 05/16/23: This story was previously published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.

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