Forgive my self-indulgence, but I need to get something off my chest.
This afternoon brought a strange confluence of emotions. I’ve been back as publisher of the Washington Business Journal for a little more than a year now after a stint at our corporate headquarters. As some readers may know, I came back to reconnect with our community and work to make it stronger through those crucial connections and a push for equality. I wanted to use my privilege — as a white man in the media — to give voice to those traditionally not on the radar of the business community. I wanted to be a part of our collective healing and coming together. Roll your eyes if it makes you feel better, but I saw a need for unity and an opportunity to bring people together to begin to solve the region’s long-standing divisions.
We’ve tried to bring the issues of race and inequalities in income and wealth front and center in our coverage — not as social crusaders, but as journalists and citizens. We can’t…
Read the full story from the Washington Business Journal.