The Best Thing No One Tells You About How Pregnancy Affects Your Body

Finding out you are expecting is one of life’s greatest joys, but let’s be honest: It can be terrifying too. Along with the increased sense of panic — er, responsibility — as you realize your body is now a vessel for growing a human life, you may also face fears many mamas-to-be feel are too shallow to admit: How will pregnancy affect your body, social calendar and everyday life as you know it? Will all those stories of morning sickness, extreme weight gain, weird cravings and long lists of things you can no longer do come true? And, you better kiss your beloved wellness routine goodbye, right?

Wrong. What many of us are not told is that pregnancy can be a catalyst to launch our wellness games to a whole new level. I know because not only have I worked with expectant women as a fitness instructor and holistic health coach, I am a mother. As I’ve found, bringing a human into the world is great motivation to be your healthiest self. Plus, your intuition is never stronger than during pregnancy. This heightened intuition enhances your innate connection to your body, helping you know what it needs. Learning to tune out the noise will allow you to tap into your inner strength and trust that your body knows exactly what to do.

[See: 10 Weird Mind and Body Changes That Are Totally Normal During Pregnancy.]

So think of your pregnancy as the power to be your healthiest self. Because let’s face it: If growing a human isn’t a superpower, what is? Fuel up, mama — there are few things in this world as strong, competent and capable as a woman about to be a mother! Here is how to maintain your individual wellness while having the healthiest pregnancy ever:

1. Keep moving.

Prenatal exercise is not only safe, but strongly encouraged for low-risk pregnancies and has tremendous benefits for you and your baby. Maintaining an appropriately moderate routine can help keep weight gain in a healthy range and reduce or eliminate some unpleasant pregnancy side effects like swelling, constipation and backaches. Plus, a daily sweat also gives you a healthy dose of endorphins, which can balance hormonal mood swings and help keep you feeling a bit more like yourself. What’s more, staying in good physical shape is extremely important for the labor itself since giving birth is likely the most physically demanding event you’ll experience in your lifetime.

But maintaining fitness during pregnancy can be easier said than done. The key is choosing activities that feel good and that build your confidence that your body is designed for pregnancy and movement. This approach is more effective than struggling to adhere to a strict training regimen that may be too inflexible to accommodate your body’s changing needs.

[See: The Best and Worst Exercises for Pregnant Women.]

While this is no time to tackle new strenuous activities, continue exercises you were performing prior to becoming pregnant. Honoring your changing figure may require you to adjust as you advance through the stages of pregnancy, but the most important thing is to keep moving while listening to your body. Despite having a regular hot yoga practice for several years prior to having a child, I knew it wasn’t the right choice for me during pregnancy. Instead, I swam to maintain my fitness. Being in the water left me feeling refreshed and revitalized, rather than dehydrated and lethargic. When it’s time to swap your boot camp for something more restorative, your body will let you know. You just have to listen.

2. Learn to deconstruct your cravings.

Eating a nutrient-rich diet is one of the most important things you can do during pregnancy. The food you eat is building each and every cell that will make up your baby. Pregnancy should not be treated as a free pass to “eat for two” or binge on ice cream, but rather a time to load up on nutrient-dense whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

Food choices should not be about restriction, however. By learning to navigate your cravings, you can mindfully respond to messages your body is sending. It was amazing to me how my appetite let me know exactly when my baby was a hitting a growth spurt. Cravings are the body’s way of communicating a need, which can be physiological or emotional. Sugar cravings often arise when you are stressed or sleep-deprived. By recognizing your desire for sugar for what it is, you can nourish your body by resting more or practicing techniques to help you manage stress. This is more effective than treating the symptom with food. But don’t be too hard on yourself. If you indulge in a late night bowl of double dark chocolate brownie ice cream, enjoy it and move on.

3. Get your meditation on.

Good health isn’t just about diet and exercise. It’s also about what you are thinking and even what you say. Your baby feels what you feel, so self-love is very important as your emotions flow from you to your unborn child. Meditation during pregnancy is a wonderful way to communicate positive vibrations to your little one. If you’ve never meditated, this is a great time to start. If you already participate, it’s an opportune time to deepen your practice. A few minutes spent each day connecting to your breath can help you prepare mentally for childbirth and can also help ease postpartum blues.

4. Transition to a green routine.

If you haven’t fully made the move to natural products, now is a good time to educate yourself on some of the potentially harmful ingredients that may be in everyday products like lotions, face creams and household cleaning products. Ridding your home, skin and body of toxic chemicals is a huge health upgrade but can seem overwhelming. Speak to your OB-GYN about any ingredients that may be off-limits, and consider replacing one product at a time as your supply runs out. We all want a healthy environment for our children and grandchildren, and your home is a great place to start contributing to the sustainability of our planet.

5. Learn to surrender.

Rest takes on a whole new meaning during these nine months. Often, your body will not give you a choice but to do so. If you don’t allow for proper rest, you’ll find yourself dozing off at meetings, meals and even mid-conversation. Don’t fight your body when it’s telling you to rest — the body will win! Give yourself permission to say no when asked to make plans. Your to-do list can wait.

6. Take control of your health care.

Parenthood begins the moment you learn you’re pregnant since you will be faced with many new decisions. Take the initiative and educate yourself about your family’s health care options. Build a health care team of like-mind professionals who support your family’s decisions and will welcome your questions and concerns as a new parent. A strong support network will provide peace of mind and enable you to enjoy your pregnancy — and journey as a new parent.

[See: 10 Ways to Make Your Childbirth Easier.]

As a mother of a newborn, I can say with certainty that prioritizing health and wellness during pregnancy pays dividends in the long run. It has given me the strength to start this new chapter with a deeper appreciation for my body, more confidence as a new parent and the vitality to enjoy the ride. I hope it does the same for you.

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The Best Thing No One Tells You About How Pregnancy Affects Your Body originally appeared on

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