Want to Be Happier at Work? Start Here

Work “happiness” is a difficult thing to obtain. Everyone wants it, yet so few people seem to get it.

What do those lucky few have that the rest of us don’t? Did they happen to land in the perfect job? Did they take some critical step we all missed? Or are they just fundamentally wired differently?

The truth is pretty simple: The people who are happiest at work work at it. They aren’t that different from anyone else. They just understand some basic truths about the nature of work, and they’ve leveraged that wisdom for their own benefit.

Perhaps you’ve noticed that happy workers aren’t always in the best jobs. That doesn’t matter to them. The work itself has little to do with their happiness. Mindset, it turns out, is the more important part of the equation. With the right perspective, anyone can find happiness at work.

Whatever your current situation, you too can be happier at work simply by mastering your mindset. Here are some key concepts to consider.

[See: The 25 Best Jobs of 2017.]

No Job Is Perfect

When you’re not happy at work, it’s easy to look around and see all the imperfections — annoying co-workers, tedious tasks, painful projects. The grass always looks greener elsewhere. But rest assured: Every job has its drawbacks. Likewise, every job has its positive aspects.

The mind can be very deceiving. It magnifies whatever you’re focused on. So, if you’re thinking of all the ways your job makes you unhappy, those things are going to get bigger and brighter than ever before. But if you shift your focus to the parts you enjoy (no matter how small they may seem), those positive glimmers will expand into shining beacons of happiness.

Use the mind’s deceptive abilities to trick yourself into happiness. Make a list each day of at least three things that made you happy at work. Again, nothing is too small. Make note of the pleasant chat you had with a colleague in the break room or the project that went smoother than you thought it would. Sooner or later, you’ll find yourself looking for these things to fill your list. At that point, you’re on the right track.

Everything Is Temporary

You already know that the only constant in life is change. Your work situation, no matter how bleak, will inevitably change in some way — regardless of whether or not you do anything to make that happen. Co-workers will come and go. New projects will arise and old ones will be laid to rest. Each day might feel like a continuation of the one before, but things are always changing.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel, if you’re patient enough to wait for it.

[See: 10 Reasons to Quit Your Job Already.]

Work Is a Choice

No one is holding you hostage. It might feel like you’re chained to your desk, but you’re not. You always have a choice. You can choose — on any given day — to sleep late and stay at home watching Netflix. Likewise, your company can choose not to invite you back the next day. It’s a two-way street.

If you choose to go to work (because you choose to get paid), why not choose to be happy about it? It might sound trite, but the choice really is yours to make.

If you literally can’t choose a better attitude, it’s time to choose a different path. That too is your right. You can always find a new job. But remember: Happiness takes effort in any environment. Sure, it might be easier elsewhere. And if you believe that’s true for you, you have the freedom to test that theory. Just don’t convince yourself that you don’t have a say in the matter.

Fake It to Make It

Happy people understand that feelings follow action. That’s opposite from what we’ve been taught to believe. Most people think that feelings inspire action, but therein lies the problem. If you reverse the pattern and focus first on changing your actions, your feelings will change as well.

When you demonstrate happiness at work, sooner or later, you’ll feel it too. Try smiling at your desk, laughing with your colleagues, and saying positive things even if they don’t feel authentic. These simple behaviors have the power to alter your reality. According to Psychology Today, the mere act of smiling releases endorphins and serotonin, the feel-good brain chemicals that act as pain relievers.

When you embody the physical posture of someone who is happy at work, you inevitably become someone who is happy work.

[See: 10 Ways Social Media Can Help You Land a Job.]

You Career Is a Lifelong Endeavor

All of these tricks listed above are just that — tricks. They help you create happiness that isn’t necessarily there. That’s not a bad thing, especially for people who aren’t interested in making a career move just yet.

But the truth is, your career is more than just this moment in time. Every experience — good or bad — has the ability to move you forward. Being unhappy at work right now doesn’t mean you’re destined to be that way forever.

Make the most of your time right now. If you’re in a job you don’t like, take everything you can from it. Learn new skills, get as much experience as you can soak up and build that resume. Focusing on these things may help you find happiness today, but more importantly, will set you up for what’s next.

Your happiness shouldn’t rely on anyone — or anything — outside of yourself. That’s a hard rule to live by. But when you can create happiness in a rough situation, you’re really empowering yourself to take responsibility for your own well-being. Work is an unavoidable part of life for most people, and it often comes with its fair share of frustrations. But work misery, like work happiness, is always a choice.

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Want to Be Happier at Work? Start Here originally appeared on usnews.com

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