MBA Round 2 Applicants: Use This Year-End To-Do List

The next two months will be go time for round two MBA applicants, with numerous deadlines hitting just after the new year. Business school hopefuls will need to manage their time wisely to complete several application components amid the distraction of the upcoming holidays.

Round two is typically the most competitive round. If you need help organizing your time and efforts in these coming weeks, review this year-end to-do list to stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

[Prepare now to apply for business school in round two.]

If you plan ahead and stick to a schedule, you ‘ ll still be able to join your friends and family for all of the holiday celebrations without any guilt for shirking your MBA application duties.

Brainstorm/draft MBA essays: Since the admissions essay requires the heaviest lifting, allow six weeks — starting now — to draft, redraft and produce the final version of your MBA essays.

This is the place to show off your individuality, leadership potential and exactly why you ‘ re b-school material. If you are from overrepresented industries — such as finance, information technology, engineering or consulting — use the essays to focus on the aspects of your personal life that differentiate you, including hobbies, community service activities, passions and other interests that make you stand out.

Many candidates find it helpful to kick off the essay writing process with rough drafts that go 50 percent or more above the required word count. While that seems like more work, it ultimately allows you to create a better final product, since during the revision process you can distill the best topics or anecdotes to support your overall application.

[Read two successful MBA admissions essays.]

Retake the GMAT: Unless you already scored well enough to exceed your target b-school’s posted average, consider retaking the GMAT to improve your score and boost the overall quality of your application.

Though this element is highly individual, you should spend about three weeks in daily study sessions and then retake the GMAT. However, do not retest if you haven’t completed any additional preparation.

Applicants often take the exam two or more times before seeking a tutor or practicing more, hoping to somehow get lucky on the retake. Painful as it is to hear, the only way to substantially raise your score is to master the skills and test-taking strategies they require.

A well-planned retake can give you the boost you need to improve your application and clear the path to the business school of your dreams.

Visit the campus: While not feasible for every applicant, if time permits, schedule your campus visit as early as possible.

Most business schools opened their class visit programs in October, and admissions committees usually appreciate when prospective students take the time to experience the learning environment in person.

Ultimately, a visit can go a long way toward fueling your final decision of where to apply and can also supply content for the MBA essays to help you demonstrate your fit with the program.

Create an MBA resume: It surprises many MBA candidates when they learn that the current version of their resume is not the best format for business school applications. The person reviewing your MBA application isn’t looking for the same specifics as a person hiring you for an engineering position or a job in consulting.

Spend about one week as a breather between essay writing sessions to do a complete resume overhaul that highlights qualities that are important to the program.

[Discover the 10 ingredients of a strong MBA resume.]

Rework your MBA resume so that it functions more as a narrative about your career and outside interests, rather than a dry list of responsibilities and achievements. From this document, the admissions committee should clearly understand the work stories you ‘ d be talking about in class or the types of lessons learned you ‘ ll be able to speak to from either your professional or community service experiences.

Prepare for interviews: Interview season is already underway for round one applicants, and the following advice holds true no matter where you are in the admissions process: Once your MBA interview is scheduled, you should spend 30 minutes a day prepping for the exchange.

You can never overprepare for this all-important event in your journey to b-school; the conversation should move as smoothly as a Viennese waltz — which means no one’s toes get crushed.

Pay attention to nonverbal cues, and don’t plow ahead with too much information during the interview or become mum when a longer response to a question is necessary.

Your interaction during the interview speaks volumes to what type of teammate you’ll be if accepted into the MBA program; make sure you’re sending the right signals.

As you prepare to apply in round two, stay focused and engaged with the process — but make sure to also allow some time for fun and celebration.

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MBA Round 2 Applicants: Use This Year-End To-Do List originally appeared on

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