8 Healthy Dorm Room Snacks

This fall, millions of students will be heading to their home away from home: college. While many of these kids have purchased a campus dining plan in order to obtain their three square meals a day, they’re very likely eating outside of the cafeteria, too. According to a 2015 survey of approximately 1,000 college students conducted by Barnes & Noble, 70 percent of these young adults are chowing down on multiple snacks daily. Not surprisingly, dorm rooms are the most popular campus location to munch on these snacks.

Here’s the surprising news: While you may think that college kids are longing for salty, sweet and fatty snacks, they aren’t. According to the survey, the No. 1 consideration when it came to choosing a snack was whether or not it was healthy. Go figure. Interestingly, the most popular snack was fruit and the No. 2 snack choice was granola or protein bars. Veggies were more popular among women than men.

[See: 10 Healthful Snacks That Won’t Break the Calorie Bank.]

With these interesting statistics in mind, I reached out to my registered dietitian nutritionists pals for a variety of healthy dorm room-friendly snack ideas for students or, even better, for supporting adults who want to send care packages to college kids during the semester. Here are their picks:

1. DIY Trail Mix

Elisa Zied, author of “Younger Next Week,” is about to tearfully ship off her first son to college with a container of her signature trail mix. Zied mixes nuts such as cashews and walnuts with dried raisins and a whole-grain cereal. She packs it in a massive container along with paper cups to scoop up a snack serving. She also packs resealable bags for snacking on the go. The mix is a sweet, crunchy snack with protein-rich nuts, tummy-filling fiber and no added sugars.

2. Whole-Grain Crackers With Nut Butter

Bonnie Taub-Dix, author of “Read it Before You Eat It,” recommends spreading crunchy almond butter on crackers for a creamy snack that provides protein and healthy fats. This winning combo is a well-rounded afternoon or nighttime snack that’s a cinch to prepare in a dorm room.

3. Roasted Chickpeas

Leslie Bonci, owner of Active Eating Advice, likes her snacks crunchy and savory. Her go-to choice is a package of roasted chickpeas. Why? Because they can be purchased in small or large bags, and parents can send a few airtight containers full of these babies in the mail. They are not only a veggie, which many college kids are not eating enough of, but also a great source of protein and fiber. They can be eaten alone or added to popcorn for added crunch.

4. Fruit That Lasts

Maya Feller, a registered dietitian nutritionist in New York City, suggests freeze-dried apples with no added salt, sugars or fats. The freeze-drying process, according to Feller, can be done without the use of additives, and the apples retain their vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Think of it as apples with a long shelf life.

5. Popcorn

Jessica Crandall, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, has 100-calorie microwave popcorn on her must-have dorm room snack list. Popcorn is a healthy snack because it is a whole grain, which many college-aged students fall short on. The beauty of these snack packs is that they deliver automatic portion control. (A large bag of popcorn, on the other hand, can contain more than 500 calories.)

[See: Are These Healthy Snacks Making You Fat?]

6. Oatmeal

Cynthia Sass, author of “Slim Down Now: Shed Pounds and Inches With Pulses,” suggests keeping instant oatmeal cups stocked in the dorm room. After heating water in the microwave and adding it to the packaged oatmeal cup, you will end up with a warm, whole-grain snack that is rich in protein and satisfying fiber. She suggests adding some almonds or other nuts for a snack combo that provides not only sustained energy, but also delays the return of hunger.

7. Cheese

Individually-wrapped cheese is a simple and nutritious snack that’s easy to store in a dorm room refrigerator and comes in single servings, says Keri Gans, author of “The Small Change Diet.” Cheese is a good source of calcium and protein — both important nutrients for college-aged adults. Pair the cheese with a piece of fruit for a snack with staying power.

8. Veggies and Hummus

Elizabeth Ward, a mother of three college-aged kids and founder of BetterIstheNewPerfect.com, recommends hummus and baby carrots to snack on. This plant-based combo provides a satisfying snack that’s rich in protein and fiber. Both can be purchased at a local supermarket for less than $5.

[See: 7 Ways Grocery Shopping Will Change in 2017.]

Speaking of cost, my personal tip relates to financial health. If your college student is buying his or her munchies at the pricey, college campus convenience store, the snacking food bill may begin to mirror the tuition bill by the end of the semester. Instead, consider buying gift cards to the supermarket located closest to campus. Your student can then purchase healthy snacks at a fraction of the price.

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8 Healthy Dorm Room Snacks originally appeared on usnews.com

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