WASHINGTON — How would you like to give one of the most valuable gifts anyone could want to receive? It’s free, ancient and timed tested throughout human history. Give the ultimate holiday gift, the olive branch. The olive branch is the perennial symbol of reconciliation, peace and healing.
Holidays are a time when family, coworkers and friends have the time to gather as we withdraw for a short time from our hectic, fast paced lives. Our fractured or bruised relationships resulting from estrangements, arguments, misunderstandings, jealousy, betrayal or loss have the opportunity to be repaired and revived. Why not take the first fragile step?
Here are some tips navigational tips to help steer you through these unchartered waters.
1.) Courage: Take a deep breath and remember it takes enormous courage to take the first step. Taking the first step can open the door to unimaginable happiness you never knew possible.
2.) Baby steps: Take one step at a time and keep it simple. Your first step may be a short note or card, a phone call or an invitation for a cup of coffee.
3.) A Plan: Think through a plan and you may even want to write your plan down on paper. Get insight and advice from others who may know the situation and the other person or persons involved
4.) Stress and anxiety. Have your stress toolkit ready which should include deep abdominal breaths, memorizing a short positive affirmation and knowing your triggers with this person in this situation
5.) Expectations. Expectations of a specific outcome can be brutal for you. Try to shift your emotions from a specific expectation to hope. Expectations can be rigid and having your mind set on a specific result can impede this fragile process. Embracing hope opens the door to unimaginable possibilities you may have never envisioned.
6.) Surrender. You can only control your part of the equation. Whatever the outcome you have been courageous and offered the iconic symbol of peace. You have given the ultimate gift.
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