How to Burn Out

Defined as physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress, “burnout” has intercepted our lives in some aspect at some point. Consider how many gym memberships purchased in January go unused in July, the attrition of half your marathon training program group or how all you can think about is a cheeseburger two weeks into a new diet plan.

We often characterize “life” as the barrier to maintaining our fitness programs year-round, and indeed children, school, work and illness all limit our recreation time and energy. But what other factors or situational stressors block your ambition and eventually cause physical or mental stagger? In many ways, the path toward burnout parallels the one towards physical breakdown or injury — i.e. certain habits or lack of certain habits (such as those listed below) will accelerate the process.

If you want to burn out quickly…

Wing It

Failing to plan is planning to fail, as the saying goes, and creating lofty, long-term goals without establishing checkpoints along the way is failing to plan. Shoot for the moon, but include intermediate and short-term goals to assure that you remain on track to achieve your long-term goals.


— Long-term goal: I will finish a marathon this year.

— Intermediate goal: I will finish a half marathon within the next six months.

— Short-term (SMART*) goal: Within the next week, I will jog three times for a minimum of 10 minutes each run.

*SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable and Timed

Writing goals down (on paper, using a smartphone app or online software program) is more than essential, it is obligatory. Working with a coach or sports psychologist can help your planning and assessment to assure you create SMART goals.

[Read: How to Gain Unwanted Weight .]

Do Not Self-Assess

Your goal-setting process should include assessing weak links in the chain and how to address them. Using the example above of planning to finish a marathon, short-term goals could include completing some form of a fitness test, such as a one-mile run for time, gait analysis, nutrition consultation, body composition analysis, etc.


— Short-term (SMART) Goal No. 2: Within the next two weeks, I will complete a one-mile run for time to assess my current fitness status.

Intermediate goals should re-evaluate these tests every few weeks to validate your program and determine what tweaks you may need to make. Modifying goals along the way (to account for “life”) is a likely key to achievement and subsequently, sustained motivation. Altering your long-term goals outdoes completely falling short of goals; for example, switching from the full marathon to the half marathon two weeks before a race is better than not showing up.

Skimp on Sleep

Research suggests those who sleep less than six hours per night are at greater risk for burnout. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, impaired mental function and increased sensitivity to stress, as well as decreased motivation and physical performance. In a busy world, we seem to prioritize so much at the expense of ZZZs; however, it is not the early bird who catches the worm, but the well-rested one.

Don’t Take Time to Truly Relax

Multiple experts agree that a key to avoiding burnout from your job is being able to turn off work when you get home. Likewise, tuning out from regimented or high-intensity exercise from time to time is essential to maintaining a long-term fitness program. Focusing solely on your training (or job, for that matter), leads to missing out on the physical and emotional recovery necessary to handle progressive challenges. Expert coaches suggest taking at least one day per week completely off from structured exercise and including another day or two of restorative activities (yoga, hikes, naps and Sunday football couch potato-ing all count as restoration).

[Read: 8 Ways to Relax — Now .]

Find a Sport You Do Not Enjoy

Some people hate running — I would not suggest a marathon training program for those individuals. The key to longevity of an activity or fitness program is enjoyment; sometimes you must ignore what your friends are doing or the most popular class at your gym, and simply do what makes you happy. If it makes you sweat and also makes you smile, it’s the right activity for you.

Overdo It

A fine line exists between what fitness experts call over-reaching and over-training. Over-reaching involves applying the overload principle to exercise, i.e. increasing the intensity, duration and/or frequency of exercise to create positive stress on your body that will gradually result in fitness gains. When over-reaching, you should feel tired and sore, but two to three days of adequate recovery should cure that.

Over-training occurs when the added stress is too great and recovery is insufficient. It involves loss of sleep, lethargy, sickness or injury and a lack of fitness gains despite an increased workload, and it could take weeks to fully recover. Injuries are no fun, and three full weeks of no training may be counter-productive to your long-term goals. When in doubt, listen to your body — go hard when you feel good, and rest up when you feel overworked.

[Read: How to Know if You’re Exercising Too Much .]

Live for Repetition

Imposing the exact same stress demand on our bodies habitually does not result in positive gains — completing the same activities each day or the same exercise routine will lead to a physical plateau and eventual mental burnout. Even if you’re a creature of habit, add variety to your mainstay or favorite activity. For example, if you’re an avid runner and don’t care for any other sports, run on a treadmill once per week, on a dirt trail once per week and outside on the road once or twice per week, instead of three to four of the exact same runs weekly. A change of pace and scenery may keep your legs honest and your mind fresh.

As discussed, the path toward burnout is very similar to the path toward injury. Self-assessment, goal planning, adequate sleep and recovery, variety and, most importantly, enjoyment can keep you pointed in the direction of lifelong fitness and goal accomplishment.

[Read: Diet Success Stories: Dieters Reveal How They Hit Their Target Body Weight .]

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How to Burn Out originally appeared on

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