WASHINGTON – Millennials are a good-looking bunch. And they know it.
In a new Gallup poll, 80,000 adults of various ages were asked whether they were happy with the way they looked. Sixty-one percent of those ages 18 to 34 said they are fine with their physical appearance.
But that degree of comfort changed with middle age participants. The study says that the bombardment of media images of physical beauty cause insecurities to set in.
Only 54 percent of those aged 35 to 64 said they felt good about the way they looked.
Women worried more than men in almost every age group about their looks, but by the time they hit 65, women gained back some confidence in the way they had aged.
But the real confidence bump comes later in life: Of those surveyed who were 85 and up, 66 percent said they think they are pretty darn attractive. And women and men feel roughly the same.
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