Don\'t you hate spoilers? There\'s a simple way to make sure they don\'t show up on your Facebook and Twitter feeds.
Click for instructions Step 1: Install Spoiler Shield for Chrome extension, from Chrome Web Store. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
Neal Augenstein/WTOP
Step 2: Click on Spoiler Shield icon. If no icons are present, click double arrow to right of address bar, then click Spoiler Shield icon. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
Neal Augenstein/WTOP
Step 3: Click and sign into Facebook and Twitter, which means granting permission for Spoiler Shield to peruse the social networks. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
Neal Augenstein/WTOP
Step 4: Set shields, clicking on Television and sports you want to avoid reading about until you are ready. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
Neal Augenstein/WTOP
Step 5: Scroll and click on all the shows that you want filtered from your feeds. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
Neal Augenstein/WTOP
Here's what it will look like if a Facebook friend or person you follow on Twitter is talking about a show you want shielded. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
Neal Augenstein/WTOP
If you decide you want to read the shielded post, hover over the Spoiler Shield, and you'll be offered the option to Reveal the Post. (Neal Augenstein/WTOP)
WASHINGTON — Don’t you hate when your so-called friends on Facebook discuss the details of “Mad Men” or “Game of Thrones” before you’ve had the chance to watch the episode?
Since it’s impossible to impose a “spoiler alert” throughout social media, some resort to avoiding Twitter and Facebook until they’ve had the chance to view the show.
But you can avoid spoilers without unplugging, including filters for Twitter and Facebook.
Earlier, CNET detailed the Chrome extension Silencer, which filters material you’re not ready to discuss.
Now, one of the easiest ways to block avoid reading details of your favorite show or the score of the game you recorded is a Google Chrome extension for Spoiler Shield, which is also available for mobile iOS and Android devices.
Click on the photo below for a step-by-step guide of how to set up and use Spoiler Shield for Chrome: