WASHINGTON – The moon may interfere with the Lyrid meteor shower, a celestial display known as “old faithful” that happens every spring.
In April 1982, some observers counted between 90 and 100 meteors. But knowledgeable sky-watchers say the moon’s brightness this year will squelch all but the most spectacular Lyrid streaks.
Still, stargazers might be lucky enough to see some of the streaks. For those who are novices, tips include bringing along patience, something warm to drink and maybe even insect repellent when joining the crowd of people who watch.
Once the moon sets on Sunday night, stargazers should get away from the lights of the city and look East in the wee hours of Monday morning. The best time slot to see the Lyrid meteor shower is around 4 to 4:30 a.m. before the bright moon sets and the sun comes up.
Video: Learn more about the Lyrid meteor shower:
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