Kristi King,
WASHINGTON – Despite discouraging job numbers, “Help Wanted” signs have been up for workers to do everything from drive buses to flip burgers and hand out money at bank windows.
More job openings were advertised in March (3.74 million) then there have been since July 2008.
“You really see jobs opening up across various industries and you see them opening up across company sizes,” says Jennifer Grasz with CareerBuilder.
CareerBuilder says, for example, that Wells Fargo needs thousands of bank tellers and customer service reps. Bob Evans is hiring a thousand full- and part-time restaurant workers. Bus company First Transit needs 10,000 drivers and mechanics.
“AT&T has over a thousand jobs open in engineering, information technology, as well as other areas such as retail,” Grasz says.
The health care industry also needs nurses and administrators.
SmartMoney also reports companies with fewer than 50 workers hired 67,000 in May.
Some companies are reluctant to expand, however, because of concerns about the European debt crisis impacting the U.S. economy.
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