Montgomery Co. teacher arrested on sex abuse charge

A Montgomery, County, Maryland, public high school teacher was arrested Wednesday on a charge of sexual abuse.

Peter Wright Priest Mason, of New Market, is accused of sexually abusing a girl at Col. Zadok Magruder High School in Derwood, where he was working as a teacher. He is also charged with fourth-degree sex offense by a person in a position of authority.

Police started investigating him on Nov. 2 over a report that the 42-year-old had engaged in a sexual relationship with the victim.

Mason has been employed at Montgomery County Public Schools since 2011, and he worked as a paraeducator at Northwest High School in Germantown from 2011 to 2015.

Mason’s bond information is currently not available, and questions about his employment status should be directed to the school system, a news release said.

Police are asking parents of students who may have had contact with the suspect to talk to their children about their interactions with Mason and to contact police at 240-773-5400 if they believe their child is a victim.

Peter Wright Priest Mason. (Courtesy Montgomery County police)
Abigail Constantino

Abigail Constantino started her journalism career writing for a local newspaper in Fairfax County, Virginia. She is a graduate of American University and The George Washington University.

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