Life plus 40 years for Silver Spring man in drug deal shooting death of Germantown teen

A 28-year-old man convicted of killing a teenager in Montgomery County, Maryland, has been sentenced to life without parole, plus 40 years.

Kairee Deyonte Dorsey of Silver Spring was found guilty earlier this year of murdering 18-year-old Andrew Turner of Germantown in 2017.

“Judge [Harry] Storm gave Mr. Dorsey life without the possibility of parole plus a consecutive 40 years,” said Montgomery County State’s Attorney John McCarthy at a Wednesday news conference.

Prosecutors said Dorsey went to Turner’s Germantown apartment in December 2017 to buy marijuana, but the drug deal turned violent and ended with Dorsey shooting and killing Turner.

Another man who was with Dorsey, Christopher Breeden Jr., also faces charges in the case.

Breeden is cooperating with prosecutors, and court records show he is scheduled to be sentenced in November.

Even though marijuana laws have been loosened in Maryland in recent years, McCarthy said that pot repeatedly plays a role in violent crimes.

“Almost without fail, if there is a drug deal that goes bad and a homicide results, it always involves marijuana,” he said.

Dorsey has a long rap sheet and once made headlines for trying to escape from custody at the Montgomery County courthouse.

According to surveillance video that was obtained by WTOP’s news partner NBC Washington back in 2013, Dorsey sprinted from a courtroom when his bond was revoked, ran two floors down and hid inside a women’s bathroom.

When deputies tried to take him back into custody, Dorsey ran past them and knocked one of them down, adding an assault charge to his record.

Nick Iannelli

Nick Iannelli can be heard covering developing and breaking news stories on WTOP.

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