WASHINGTON — Do you recognize this young man or any of his belongings?
“We believe that everybody deserves to have a name,” says Maryland Natural Resources Police Cpl. Mike Lathroum.
Working what’s commonly referred to as a “cold case,” police say the young man’s remains were found in Feb. 1991 in the Potomac River south of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Police believe he may have gone missing in late 1990 or early 1991.
“We’re trying to identify this individual so his loved ones can have some closure,” Lathroum says.
Making the best estimates possible from remains that were in the water for an extended period police believe the man was about 5-feet-6 inches tall, 130 pounds and between 16 and 30.
There’s no reward for coming forward. People with information can choose to remain anonymous.
Anyone who might be able to help NRP identify this man is asked to contact Lathroum by phone at 1-410-295-4666 or by email at mike.lathroum@Maryland.gov.