WASHINGTON — Apple’s new design of the iPhone 7 might boost the sale of wireless headphones and earbuds. But whether these listening devices are wireless or attached to a cable, drivers need to keep their ears open.
“You can’t hear what’s going on around you, and that puts you in isolation … . You need all five senses to drive safely,” said John Townsend, manager of public and government affairs at AAA Mid-Atlantic.
Whatever the opinion on Apple losing the headphone jack for the new iPhone, local drivers should remember: Maryland and Virginia are two of 14 states that regulate the use of headphones while driving.
Drivers who wear headphones or earbuds with both ears on Maryland and Virginia roadways can get fines ranging from $20 to $100.
“You can use a headphone or earbud if it’s only in one ear,” Townsend said.
D.C. has what AAA describes as the toughest distracted driving laws in the country, but the District does not outlaw headphones while driving.