Arena Stage has announced the remaining run of “Toni Stone,” a play about the first woman to play professional ball in the Negro Leagues, has been canceled due to a non-COVID related health issue.
No information was given on the nature of the “health issue,” or who in the production had been affected.
The production, which received significant praise in the D.C. area, was originally due to run until Oct. 3. Arena Stage says ticket holders for canceled dates can receive a refund through the box office, or ticket broker.
Despite the show’s cancellation, audiences at Nationals Park will still enjoy a free, live simulcast of the production Sunday night at 7:30 p.m. More information on that simulcast can be found here.
In a tweet sent out Saturday afternoon, Arena Stage stated: “The care and safety of Arena Stage’s artists, staff and patrons are of the utmost importance, and will continue to be our priority.”
Due to a non-Covid related health issue, the remainder of the run of “Toni Stone” is canceled. Ticketholders will be contacted. Audiences can still enjoy the FREE showing at Nats Park on Sunday. We are proud to share how Toni Stone blazed a trail for Black women in sports. pic.twitter.com/G2ZkIuekbi
— Arena Stage (@arenastage) September 24, 2021
The play, which stars Santoya Fields in the title role, was adapted from Martha Ackmann’s book “Curveball: The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone,” and adapted for the stage by playwright Lydia R. Diamond (“Smart People”).
WTOP’s Jason Fraley contributed to this report.