1. Li Wenwen, China (, 130-287; , 167-368; , 136-300; , 173-381; , —; , 174-384; 1, 136-300; 1, 173-381), 309 kg.-681 pounds.
2. Park Hyejeong, South Korea (, 123-271; , 163-359; , 127-280; , 168-370; , 131-289; , 173-381; 2, 131-289; 2, 168-370), 299-659.
3. Emily Campbell, Britain (, 119-262; , 162-357; , 123-271; , 169-373; , 126-278; , 174-384; 3, 126-278; 3, 162-357), 288-635.
4. Lisseth Betzaida Ayovi Cabezas, Ecuador (, 117-258; , 156-344; , 121-267; , 160-353; , 123-271; , 162-357; 4, 123-271; 4, 160-353), 283-624.
5. Mary Theisen Lappen, United States (, 115-254; , 155-342; , 118-260; , 162-357; , 119-262; , 165-364; 6, 119-262; 5, 155-342), 274-604.
6. Duangaksorn Chaidee, Thailand (, 120-265; , 152-335; , 120-265; , 156-344; , 120-265; , 160-353; 5, 120-265; 6, 152-335), 272-600.
7. Halima Abbas, Egypt (, 110-243; , 135-298; , 115-254; , 140-309; , 118-260; , 145-320; 9, 115-254; 8, 145-320), 260-573.
8. Naryury Perez Reveron, Venezuela (, 114-251; , 140-309; , 117-258; , 145-320; , 117-258; , —; 10, 114-251; 7, 145-320), 259-571.
9. Crismery Santana Peguero, Dominican Republic (, 111-245; , 140-309; , 115-254; , 140-309; , 118-260; , 140-309; 7, 118-260; 11, 140-309), 258-569.
10. Tursunoy Jabborova, Uzbekistan (, 112-247; , 133-293; , 116-256; , 138-304; , 118-260; , 138-304; 8, 118-260; 12, 133-293), 251-553.
11. Iuniarra Sipaia, Samoa (, 100-220; , 141-311; , 105-231; , 141-311; , 110-243; , 148-326; 12, 105-231; 9, 141-311), 246-542.
12. Nurul Akmal, Indonesia (, 105-231; , 140-309; , 110-243; , 145-320; , 110-243; , 151-333; 11, 105-231; 10, 140-309), 245-540.
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