To apply to law school in the U.S., it is not important to study law in college or to fulfill any sort of academic prerequisites beyond earning an undergraduate degree.
Thus, it’s never too late in life to decide to pursue law school. Indeed, many law schools increasingly prefer applicants with work experience.
That said, many college students have their heart set on law school from an early age. And there are many choices that motivated pre-law students can make to set themselves up for success in the law school admissions process.
Let’s break it down, year by year.
Freshman Year
Law school admissions officers understand that college can be a rough transition from high school. First-year students face challenges finding their place, learning new routines and understanding how to succeed in class.
For example, I painfully remember how much harder assigned papers were in college compared to high school. In my first-year classes, I learned the hard way that my college professors cared more than my high school teachers about the clarity and reasoning of my arguments.
[READ: How to Survive and Thrive First Year of Law School.]
Furthermore, it’s quite common for first-year students to change majors. More than a few former premed students switch to law after feeling outmatched by college-level science courses.
So, don’t panic if your grades start low. Law schools tend to be lenient about applicants’ grades in their first couple of college semesters.
Missteps are less excusable in later years, so concentrate above all on laying the groundwork for good grades by discovering classes in which you thrive, developing strong study habits and finding helpful mentors and campus resources.
Outside of the classroom, freshman year is a great time to explore extracurricular activities, to meet like-minded friends, build life skills and figure out what you’re most passionate about.
Sophomore Year
Sophomore students should start choosing classes that law schools appreciate, to make sure their transcript includes courses that involve research, critical thinking and analysis.
As their coursework gets harder and their responsibilities increase, sophomores may need to master time management and get selective about where they put their energy. Students who tried out a range of extracurricular activities in their first year should focus on those that provide opportunities for leadership, organization, problem-solving and serving others — all skills that law schools value.
[Soft Factors That Can Give Law School Applicants an Edge]
Sophomore year is also a time to take internships and professional opportunities seriously, to build your resume and develop a relationship with a supervisor who could write you a recommendation letter. Pursue work that enables you to take on responsibilities, prove yourself and work closely with mentors.
If you plan to stay at your same university for law school, see if your school offers an accelerated B.A./J.D. program. That way, you can not only save on time and tuition by earning both degrees within six years, you may not even need to take the LSAT or GRE.
If you are dead set on attending a top law school but want some time after college to pursue another interest like teaching or working abroad or graduate studies, consider the junior deferral programs offered by Harvard Law School in Massachusetts and Columbia Law School in New York.
Junior Year
Juniors interested in law school need to focus on keeping their grades high. They should look to build relationships with at least one or two professors who could write a strong recommendation letter, by offering research assistance, attending office hours and participating actively in seminars and smaller classes.
Junior year is a good time to start preparing for the LSAT. Start early to leave plenty of leeway to take the LSAT multiple times if necessary. Many test-takers prepare for the LSAT the summer before senior year, since it can be hard to juggle schoolwork and LSAT prep.
No matter when you begin, set aside at least four months for part-time LSAT study. First, it is important to leave time to experiment with different study methods. Second, it takes time to master basic techniques before using focused, methodical practice to master the test.
Finally, LSAT prep requires complete focus, so it can be hard to keep up when life gets in the way.
Senior Year
Early in the fall, weigh the pros and cons of applying to law school before graduating college. You may decide that a gap year before law school makes sense to boost your GPA, build your resume and gain perspective on your career path.
[READ: How to Choose Between Applying to Law School, Taking a Gap Year.]
If you plan to apply to law school, aim to submit applications early in the cycle, ideally by October or November, whether or not you decide to apply early decision. The summer before applying, start to secure recommendation letters, brush up your resume and draft a personal statement.
Keep your grades high and finish senior year on a strong note, even if you already submitted your applications. If you end up on a waitlist, a higher GPA, additional recommendation letter or new honors or leadership positions can improve your chances of admission.
Two decades of continuous schooling can cause anyone to burn out, so students who go straight from college to law school should use the summer before law school to prepare for the challenges ahead. Take pride in the years of work you put in to secure your spot in law school — the ability to set and achieve long-term goals will serve you well in your legal career.
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Plan for Law School During Each Year of College originally appeared on