A Georgetown restaurant hopes to win a hoity-
honor, one that is truly flushing.
There aren't separate men's and women's restrooms at Mie N Yu in Georgetown - just a single, unisex restroom with stalls surrounding a central sink area. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
The rooms in Mie N Yu are designed to remind
diners of Marco Polo's travels on the Silk Road.
(WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Here are the bathroom's sinks. The restroom is
designed to look like an Indonesian boathouse.
(WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Even the soap dispensers and paper towel holders
are special. The towels are bundled in antique
boxes. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Here's what the inside of a stall looks like.
The doors on the restroom stalls feature ornate
wooden carvings both inside and out.
(WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Mie N Yu is on M
Street NW in Georgetown near Wisconsin Avenue.
(WTOP/Michelle Basch)
This year, a restroom in Georgetown is one of 10 finalists, and the region’s votes can help it win.
“The theme of our restaurant is Marco Polo’s travels on the Silk Road, so each room is a different country of Marco Polo’s travels,” says Mike Cherner, general manager of Mie N Yu on M Street NW, where intricate Asian d